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SANDY HXM (Huang Xiao-Mei) is a singer-songwriter / music producer / music video director who composes in Mandarin, English, and Japanese. During her undergraduate studies in University of British Columbia, she applied to a short-term exchange program at University of Tokyo. She then came back to her hometown Taiwan for Masters studies in 2013 and has been living in Taiwan since then. Having a background in Sociology and Public Health, she dedicates to create music that relate to local culture, nature and inner values.
FAVORITE ARTISTS: Sheena Ringo、Tokyo Incidents 、 Utada Hikaru、X-JAPAN、Kyary Pamyu Pamyu、She&Him、TOE、FKJ、Norah Jones、Lady Gaga
- Started learning Electone at YAMAHA at age 6, moved to Vancouver, Canada at age 11;
played flute in high school orchestra band; received 1st place in Japanese Singing Contest in high school;
played in a band as a keyboardist/songwriter and won first place in Vancouver Youth Independent Band Compeition.
After finishing Masters studies in Taiwan, she continued her passion in songwritings and music production.
- 2018 ----- Self-produced a music video promoting Taiwan tourism in Japanese lyrics 《Let's Meet in Taiwan!》, which received more than 1.7 million views on YouTube
- 2018 ----- Composed and directed tourism music video 《Sea & Light》(Let's Meet in Pingtung!) for 2019 Lantern Festival of Taiwan held in Ping Tung (Japanese lyrics introducing Ping Tung)
- Collaboration with Ping Tung County Government
- More than 9.2 million views on YouTube
- received "East Asian Tourism Film Best Film" at Japan World's Tourism Film Festival
- 2019 ----- Composed and directed tourism music video 《Let's take the Hanshin Train!》 (Mandarin/Japanese lyrics versions introducing Osaka and Kobe, Japan)
- Collaboration with Hanshin Electric Railway
- 2019 ----- Composed and created《ICE ICE YOU》Music Video, promoting disctinctive ice desserts across different cities of Taiwan
- Collaboration with Tourism Bureau of Taiwan
- 2019 ----- Composed and created《Micro Micro Focus》Music Video, introducing technology features through music
- Collaboration with Microfocus Taiwan
- 2019 ----- New Taipei Woman Power Interview with New Taipei City x CommonWealth Magazine
- Sharing experience as a female music producer
- 2020 ----- Composed and created Theme song for 2020 National High School Games《 Pingtung Keep Going!》Music Video
- Collaboration with Ping Tung County Government
- 2020 ----- Composed and created tourism music video《Dream to Nantou》(English & Mandarin version)
- Collaboration with Nantou County Government
- 2022 ----- Composed and created tourism music video 《24-Hour Keelung》(Japanese Lyrics)
- Collaboration with Keelung City Government
- Winner of "Asian Grand Prix & Gold prize" at Asian Competition at Japan's World Tourism Film Festival, JWTFF 2023
- Winner of "Best Music & Dance" Award at ART&TUR – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Turismo 2023
- 2022 ----- Directed Marketing Videos for National Taipei University of Education, and Master of Public Health, National Taiwan University
- 2023 ----- Composed and created tourism music video 《Yaho! Liho!》, introducing agriculture and Leisure Farms of Taiwan
- Collaboration with Taiwan Council Of Agriculture Executive Yuan & Taiwan Leisure Farms Development Association
- Received "Silver Prize in Asian Competition" at Japan's World Tourism Film Festival, JWTFF 2023
- 2020~2024 ----- Endorsement Musician with Bank SinoPac DAWHO Digital Account Composed theme songs《DAWHO WAHOO》MV、《DADADAWHO》MV、《A Journey to your Dream》(Theme song for micro-film commercial)
- 2024 ----- ORIGINAL DEBUT ALBUM "Appreciation" released on April 2nd. 2024 received three Silver Awards at Global Music Awards: Female Vocalist, Production, Lyrics/songwriter
- Started learning Electone at YAMAHA at age 6, moved to Vancouver, Canada at age 11;
New Album《Appreciation》
Released on 2024.04.02
Over the years, as a music and short video creator, I have devoted myself to tell stories of local and beautiful landscapes to the world through music; but when I write in the quiet of the night, what lingers in my mind often are the scenes of personal growth, the grass field from my childhood memories, the elderly family in my hometown, and my pet waiting for me to come home. I realized that my heart is filled with the ordinary but loving moments from daily life.
By keeping my mind calm, I began to feel the beauty of everything more deeply, and savor every ounce of inspiration. Through music, I heal the wounds of the past, and learn to embrace my courage and vulnerability; I accept the inevitable joys and sorrows of life, and appreciate the beauty and imperfection of this world.
Through composing, I settled myself down, and carried out a conversation with life. In this 40-minute music, I would like to invite you to feel your surroundings again, listen to the sound of the earth, and find your inner peace. Let's say “Thank you” gently to both the world and yourself.
#gratitude #love #life #innerpeace #imperfectionSandy’s first original album “Appreciation” centers around the idea of reflecting on the daily bits and pieces from various angles, highlighting the sense of gratitude from every moment in life. “Appreciation” is a word that Sandy likes very much, as it carries multiple meanings such as “gratitude”, “admiration”, “cherishing”, “love”, and “understanding”. It is a state of mind that is much deeper than mere thankfulness. The album contains ten original tracks, each written as an expression for life, earth, and oneself. Sandy gently voices her appreciation to ten subjects through her lyrics and rich arrangements, hoping to serve as a piece of companionship and comfort for the listeners.
01. 前世今生 (Past Life)
02. Botany
03. Quiet Mind
04. 真不愧是你 (Classic You)
05. 回家看你 (Going Home)
06. Dear Road
07. 時鐘 (Clock)
08. 愛你的每個日常 (Daily Love)
09. Dear Earth
10. 晚安曲 (Good Night Song)《Appreciation》Lyrics & Song Briefs in English
Track 1. Past Life (前世今生)
Track 2. Botany
Track 3. Quiet Mind
Track 4. Classic You (真不愧是你)
Track 5. Going Home (回家看你)
Track 6. Dear Road
Track 7. Clock (時鐘)
Track 8. Daily Love (愛你的每個日常)
Track 9. Dear Earth
Track 10. Good Night Song (晚安曲)
Cover Design of “Appreciation” physical album
Using an envelope as the main core concept, the round buckle with string in the back ties the letter together along with the stories and the gratitude within. For sustainable reason, only a very limited number of hardcopies were printed; the entire envelope is made of recycled paper as opposed to plastic CD case, echoing the concept of "Botany" & "Dear Earth" in the album. Each album contains an exclusive design of a thank-you postcard set. Through these songs, she hopes to encourage listeners to recall subjects they appreciate from the past to present. On the postcards, write down the words that may have been difficult to express. Whether or not they are sent, the listeners are invited to fulfill the spirit of “Appreciation” together.
Album Production Credit
Album Producers | SANDY HXM / Sheng Fei Lu
Singles Producers | SANDY HXM / Sheng Fei Lu / Joshua Lee
Song writers | all songs and lyrics written by SANDY HXM
except for “Botany” (by Shao Zu Huang)
Arrangers | Sheng Fei Lu / Ya-Hsin Tian / Joshua Lee / Ping Hsu /
SANDY HXM / Marvin Fockens
Recording Engineers | Chris Chen / Michael Lee / Joshua Lee/ BonBon Chen
Recording Studio | 112F Recording Studio / Soft-World Studio / Musit Music Studio / Wasteland Studio
Mixing Engineers | Zen Chen / Killer Wang / Keller Wang / Thomas Chuang /
Joshua Lee / Hsiang Yu Chou / Jeremy Chua
Instruments | Six Arts Music String Ensemble / Wen Wei Chen / Hwa Jou Shieh /
Savulu Abangulran / Yu Min "Birdy" Chen / Dato Chang / Szu-chien Lu / Wei Han Pan / Wu Yi Hung / Luo Dan / Mathias Lunde
Harmony | See Han Chen / Karin Wang (Opera Soprano)
Vocal Producer | Hao Ku
Mastering Producer / Music Executive Director | Sheng Fei Lu
Mastering Engineer | Alan Douches @ West West Side Music Studio
Planning | SANDY HXM / Tiffany Wu / Sam Huang
Graphic Designer | Stride F.
Photographer | Murphy Yeh
Digital Release | Believe Taiwan, Inc.
Physical copies Published & Distributed | Ho Vision Entertainment Co., Ltd
Publisher | LUCKY DUO International ltd.
Cooperation | Sound Decision Inc.
2024 New Music Video
【真不愧是你】(Classic You)
Music Video Directors: SANDY HXM / SHI BO JUN
When we are being loved and loving someone in a healthy relationship, even the people around you can feel the happiness you radiate. Your closest family and friends who know you the most give you blessings and sincerely feel happy for you for finding the one. The song and music video is about admiring and appreciating the presence of your other half. While the song is written and arranged in a vintage style, the lyrics and stories reflect the goals of many modern couples, where we work hand in hand and become the best partners in building a future together.
With the vintage music style, Sandy invited dance performers from Naughty Swing, one of the most well-known Swing Dance group in Taiwan to play the roles of a couple in the music video. The dance chemistry between the two reflects the feelings and moments when you knew that you've found the right person. Traditionally, swing dance is consisted of a 'lead'(men) and a 'follower'(women). Through occasional gender-switching choreography, we integrate the concept of gender equality. We support and take care of each other; we respect each other's individual characteristics, surpassing the traditional gender stereotypes and find the kind of lifestyle that suits each unqie couples the best.
| Music Production|
Lyricist/Composer/Vocal| SANDY HXM
Producer / Arranger / Vocal Recording|Sheng Fei Lu @ Musit Music Studio
Drums|Wen Wei Chen
Guitar|Hwa Jou Shieh / Savulu Abangulran
Bass| Yu Min "Birdy" Chen
Backing Vocal/Backing Vocal Arranger|See Han Chen
Recording Engineer|Chris Chen @ 112F Recording Studio
Mixing Engineer|Zen Chien @ 112F Recording Studio
Mastering Producer|Sheng Fei Lu
Mastering Engineer|Alan Douches @ West West Side Music Studio
|Film Team|
Production|Tiffany Wu
Production Design|Yoyo Chu
Cinematographer|SHI BO JUN @R&F Studio
2nd AC | Mirager Production House
Collaboration | Zion Wen
Lighting Technician|中成 Team
Behind the scenes|Zion Wen
Cut & Colorist|R&F Studio
Makeup Artist|Sasa Shin
Hairstylist|Abby Liu
Assistant to Stylist | Queena Zhuang
|Dance Performance|
Choreography |Willie Lin / Jing-Yi Chiew @Naughty Swing
Talent|Jing-Yi Chiew /Willie Lin / Yu-Hsuan Chen / Shen Chia You
|Artist Team|
Project Manager |Tiffany Wu
Planning Assistant|Yoyo Chu
ISRC: FR-10S-24-18000
OP|LUCKY DUO International ltd.
Presented by|LUCKY DUO International ltd.
Cooperation |Sound Decision Inc.
【前世今生】 Past Life
The mysterious workings of intertwined “love and souls” is a topic much beyond the reach of science. Why did we come to this life? And why do we leave? We are all dust in the wind; people come and go in our lives. We experience life in the ups and downs, find balance between vulnerability and toughness, learn about ourselves through the love and pain we experience, master the challenges we encounter at each stage, and appreciate every encounter in our life.
|音樂製作 Music Production|
製作人/詞/曲/演唱 Producer/Lyricist/Composer/Vocal|黃小玫 SANDY HXM
編曲/合成器 Arranger / Synth|黃小玫 SANDY HXM / Marvin Fockens
吉他 Guitar | Marvin Fockens
和聲 Backing Vocals |黃小玫 SANDY HXM
人聲編輯 Vocal Editing|黃小玫 SANDY HXM / 許朔僑 Joe Hsu
錄音師 Recording Engineer|李晨安 Michael Lee @ 智冠錄音室 Soft World Music
混音師 Mixing Engineer | 莊鈞智 Thomas Chuang @ 完美聲音錄音室Perfect Sound Studio
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer|呂聖斐 Sheng Fei Lu
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|Alan Douches @ West West Side Music Studio
|影像製作 Music Video Production|
影像製作公司 Video Production Company|伯樂創意有限公司 Bole studio
監製 Executive Producer|陳弘軒 fallinjason
導演 Director|李金勳 Joseph Lee
導演助理 Assistant to Director|吳語馨 Gipi Wu
攝影指導 D.O.P | 李金勳 Joseph Lee
攝影助理 2nd A.C|蔡巧琳 Chiao Hu Tsai
二機攝影 B Camera|李長紘 Charlie Mi
製片 Producer | 陳弘軒 fallinjason
燈光師 Gaffer|李金勳 Joseph Lee
燈光助理 Best Boy|蔡巧琳 Chiao Hu Tsai
造型總監 Stylist | 王依潔 Koimi Wang
助理造型 Assistant to Stylist | 翁敏茹 Miru Weng
小玫化妝師 Makeup Artist|王依潔 Koimi Wang
化妝師 Makeup Artist|幸寧馨 Sasa Shin
髮型師 Hairstylist|幸寧馨 Sasa Shin
剪接 Editor|李金勳 Joseph Lee
調光 Colorist|李金勳 Joseph Lee
標準字設計 Logotype|吳語馨 Gipi Wu
|舞蹈表演 Dance Performance|
舞蹈編排 Choreography |張庭歡 Una Chang / 莫天昀 Tien-Yun Mou
主演 Talent|張庭歡 Una Chang / 莫天昀 Tien-Yun Mou
|藝人團隊 Artist Team|
專案經理 Project Manager |吳育葶 Tiffany Wu
企劃助理 Planning Assistant|邱中佑 Yoyo Chu
ISRC: FR-10S-24-17997
OP|好韻多多國際有限公司 LUCKY DUO International ltd.
出品公司 Presented by|好韻多多國際有限公司 LUCKY DUO International ltd.
協力單位 Cooperation |尙鼎益全球科技股份有限公司 Sound Decision Inc.
We accompany nature through the seasons, witness the weeds grow into forests and experience the endless cycle of emptiness to fullness. Just like life, we grow from obstacles, and gain courage through setbacks. "Botany" is Sandy's latest single, written by her brother, Shao Zu (Ken) Huang, who wrote the song after being inspired by the stories of the forest ranger. Upon hearing the original demo recording of the song, Sandy imagined an indie post-rock arrangement would best carry out the essence of this composition; thus invited the critically acclaimed producer/Hello Nico's guitarist, Joshua Lee to collaborate.
🌱音樂製作名單 Music Production
演唱 Vocal|黃小玫 SANDY HXM
詞/曲 Lyricist/Composer|黃紹祖 Shao Zu Huang
製作人 Producer|李詠恩 Joshua Lee
編曲 Arranger|徐平 Ping Hsu
鋼琴 Piano|張晁毓 Dato Chang
鼓組 Drums|潘維瀚 Wei Han Pan
和聲 Backing Vocals|陳思函 See Han Chen
人聲編輯 Vocal Editing|陳逸宏 BonBon Chen/李詠恩 Joshua Lee
錄音/混音 Recording/Mixing|李詠恩 Joshua Lee @荒原錄音室 The Wasteland Studio
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer|呂聖斐 Sheng Fei Lu
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|Alan Douches @ West West Side Music Studio
🌱影像製作名單 Music Video Production
導演 Director|黃小玫 SANDY HXM
副導 Assistant Director|黎泉成 Shen Lye
製片 Production|吳育葶 Tiffany Wu
攝影 D.O.P|高偉鳴 Armin Kao/朱偉祥 Weixiang
美術 Production Design|邱中佑 Yoyo Chu
妝髮 Hair & Make-up|孟雅琴 Gina & 劉庭妤 Debbie @Sui Makeup
剪輯 Editing|邱中佑 Yoyo Chu
ISRC FR-10S-24-17998OP|好韻多多國際有限公司 LUCKY DUO International ltd.
出品公司 Presented by|好韻多多國際有限公司 LUCKY DUO International ltd.
協力單位 Cooperation |尙鼎益全球科技股份有限公司 Sound Decision Inc.
Music Work / Discoraphy
listen to my music on Spotify / Apple Music / stream platforms ▶ https://bfan.link/appreciation
Past Work
24-Hour Keelung#Tourism #Japanese
- Collaboration with Keelung City Government
- Winner of "Asian Grand Prix & Gold prize" at Asian Competition at Japan's World Tourism Film Festival, JWTFF 2023
- Winner of "Best Music & Dance" Award at ART&TUR – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Turismo 2023
《海と光》Sea & Light
Let's meet in PingTung!#Tourism #Japanese
- Theme song for 2019 Lantern Festival of Taiwan held in Ping Tung
- Collaboration with Ping Tung County Government
- More than 9.2 million views on YouTube
- Received "East Asian Tourism Film Best Film" at Japan World's Tourism Film Festival
Let's meet in Taiwan!#Tourism #Japanese
- Self-produced a music video promoting Taiwan tourism in Japanese lyrics
- received more than 1.7 million views on YouTube
《屏東 Keep Going !》
#Sports #Mandarin
- Composed and created Theme song for 2020 National High School Games
- Collaboration with Ping Tung County Government
(Yaho! Liho! )#台灣農業旅行
- Composed theme song promoting agriculture and leisure farm of Taiwan
- Collaboration with Taiwan Council Of Agriculture Executive Yuan & Taiwan Leisure Farms Development Association
- Received "Silver Prize in Asian Competition" at Japan's World Tourism Film Festival, JWTFF 2023
《Hello Hello》
- Client: Nantou County Government
- Promoting People-oriented designs of public transit and road construction
(A Journey to your Dream)
- Collaboration: Bank SinoPac
- Theme song for micro-film commercial
- Collaboration: Bank SinoPac
- Wrote, produced and performed for Theme song of DAWHO Digital Account
- Collaboration: Bank SinoPac
- Wrote, produced and performed for Theme song of DAWHO Digital Account
"In love with Pingtung"
30-Sec Commercial
- Client: Pingtung County Government
- Video Production
- Client: Tourism Bureau
- promoting disctinctive ice desserts across different cities of Taiwan
Let's take the Hanshin Train
#Tourism #Mandarin
- Introducing Osaka and Kobe, Japan
- Collaboration with Hanshin Electric Railway
Let's take the Hanshin Train#Tourism #Japanese
- Introducing Osaka and Kobe, Japan
- Collaboration with Hanshin Electric Railway
- Client: Pingtung County Government
- Video Production
- Collaboration: SinoPac Futures
- Commercial theme song for stock investment and futures
#Tourism #Mandarin
- Collaboration: Nantou County Government
- Tourism Theme song for Nantou
《Dream to Nantou》
#Tourism #English
- Collaboration: Nantou County Government
- Tourism Theme song for Nantou
《Micro Micro Focus》
- Introducing technology features through music
- Collaboration with Microfocus Taiwan
#Construction #RealEstate
- Client: 鉅陞建設
- Introducing building features through music
- Collaboration: Ministry of Economic Affairs
- Promoting T-REC Clean Energy and sustainable vision
#Road Construction
- Collaboration: Directorate General of Highways, MOTC
- Theme song for micro-film commercial
唱出雨都基隆的美-民視新聞TVBS - 萌妹扮「神隱少女」自編日歌環島介紹台灣
自製日語音樂影片介紹台灣台灣達人秀 - 【2020全中運主題曲瘋驕仔舞 《屏東 KEEP GOING!》爆洗腦 】
三立新聞-真的好驕傲!屏東燈會宣傳影片登上國際版面 入圍日本國際觀光影像節"最佳東亞影像獎
TVBS - 黃小玫寫自創曲登
日本甲子園球場New Taipei Women Power:
天下雜誌 x 新北市政府
2019年度新北女力TVBS新聞 - 南投縣政年終記者會 邀網紅拍MV拚觀光
黃小玫愛心站台屏東新聞-黃小玫推屏東觀光 為台灣燈會創作音樂影片
自由時報-台灣燈會志工感恩餐會 總統蔡英文頒獎、黃小玫演唱
© 2024 好韻多多國際有限公司 LUCKY DUO International Ltd.